An american family's life en francais

Expat Diaries

Expat Diaries: La Rentrée (Back to School)

Dimanche, 1 Septembre We woke up in Biarritz, a very last-minute trip to mark the end of the summer. Todd and Oli had...

On Losing My Voice in France

It’s the last day of classes before summer vacances, and I’m picking Oliver up in front of his school in Bordeaux’s c...

Expat Diaries: Tuckered Août

Samedi, 19 Août This evening we dropped Oli off at the apartment of some expat friends (American/Aussie family with t...

Things I’ve Missed About Our American Life in France

I've written plenty about what I love about our life in France — it's been filled with so many experiences we simply ...

Expat Diaries: Juilletistes and Aoûtiens

France is famous for its generous time off policies — the average worker is entitled to 30 paid days off per year. An...

Expat Diaries: Bienvenue l'été (Welcome Summer)

Lundi, 24 Juin Summer has officially arrived, and yet Oliver is still in school, which feels very strange. We marked ...

Expat Diaries: Half a Year in France

We’ve officially hit the six-month mark in France, which feels like a significant milestone. We’ve lived through a lo...

Expat Diaries: A Doctor's Visit, Antiques & Anniversaires

Lundi Still plagued by constant headaches, I decided it was time to see a doctor this week. I glanced through a local...

Expat Diaries: School lunch, strawberries, and going viral

We’ve been living in France for five months now, and life feels a bit too busy to keep up with a daily diary at the m...

Expat Diaries: Vacances de Printemps

April passed by like a flash, as I expected it would. We finished up our first round of French lessons, and we welcom...

5 Ways Our Son’s Life is Dramatically Different in France

Our son, Oliver, was a big factor in our decision to move to France at this specific time in our lives. The timing ju...

Expat Diaries: Bonne Santé

Four months into our French foray, and we’re really starting to feel like locals — especially because we received our...
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